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發布日期 2020-11-20 13:18:00

  • Mark Sherwin Marquez Maestro,109年7月《Diasporic Virtual Parenting Through Media Rich Video Chat: A Case Study of Filipino Migrant Workers in Taiwan》(透過媒體豐富性之視頻通訊履行離散虛擬育兒:已在臺菲律賓移工為例 )
  • 李孟寰,109年7月,《泰國性產業對台灣男大聲選擇泰國旅遊影響之研究 》(The Study on The Influence of The Thai Sex Industry Over The Choice of Taiwanese Male College Students to Tour Thailand)
  • 林貝心,109年7月,《打造新南向基地:高雄航空產業的分析 》(The Development of Kaohsiung's Airline Industry after the Implementation of Taiwan's New Southbound Policy)