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ICONSEA2019 | 文藻外語大學 跳到主要內容區塊
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發布日期 2019-10-31 13:52:00

We value your participation in the past conferences and would like you to be with us again in this conference which will be held from 2nd until 4th December 2019 at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya.Please visit the conference website at https://umconference.um.edu.my/ICONSEA2019 and please do not hesitate to email me should you have any questions or concerns regarding this event. The details of the conference are as follows.


this topic







Development is a key concern in Southeast Asia. The development plans in the region borne after the independence era continue to be shaped and tweaked to meet the growing challenges of development in the region.  

The Department of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Malaya has, in the last two decades, paid much attention to the subject of development in Southeast Asia.  The bi-annual ICONSEA has been a major platform for researchers from both within and outside the region to engage and discuss the many approaches, dimensions and challenges to development in the Southeast Asia/ASEAN region.

 The main themes for the last seven ICONSEA conferences (2005-17) were strongly premised on the development agenda, including change and transformation in the region. These themes include Transformation in Southeast Asia: Facing Challenges in the 21st Century (2005), Southeast Asia: Rethinking Regionalism (2007), Developing Southeast Asia: Challenges and Prospects in the New Millennium (2009), Positioning Southeast Asia in the Globalised World (2011), Southeast Asia Rising (2013), Integrating Southeast Asia (2015) and Rebranding Southeast Asia (2017).

In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the ICONSEA 8 secretariat proposes to delve deeper into the topic of sustainable development. Sustainable development is not just a buzz word, rather it is highly critical and urgent for the region facing multiple calamities, from natural disasters, poverty, injustice, environmental degradation to general apathy and lack of political will in ensuring sustainable development particularly in the IR 4.0 era.    

Sustainable development involves multiple stakeholders. Sustainability ensures the needs of the present without compromising or depleting potential resources for future generations. Thus the term sustainable development implies that to meet human development goals, humans have to sustain the natural systems’ ability so that it could continue to remain intact and provide the resources and ecosystem services to the economy and society which depends on it. Generally, development is the outcome of a single specific need that rarely considers the broader or future impacts of the action.

This kind of developmental approach could impact financial stability owing to the irresponsible banking system as well as damages to the global climate by extensively using fossil fuel-based energy sources. Unchecked development could result in severe consequences, and to protect ourselves from these consequences, there is a need to step forward and take actions.

As indicated by the United Nations, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. At the core of UN’s approach to development is a balance between different needs and awareness of the social, economic and environmental limitations the people face as a society.

Therefore, sustainable development guarantees the balance between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being. It is our collective duty to play a part to ensure that development takes place in a sustainable way. However, to achieve sustainability in Southeast Asia, we believe the authorities and the multiple agencies of the governments of Southeast Asian nations need to take the lead. Meanwhile, scholars, activists and non-governmental agencies could play a critical role in providing suggestions and recommendations through their research outputs and findings. These findings discussed and deliberated at international platforms such as the ICONSEA 2019 can lead to positive development models and paths. We, therefore, invite academics, scholars, and researchers to delve deep into the development debate. Some of the subtopics that can be considered, but not limited to, are as follows:

- Southeast Asian Sustainability Development: Strategies, implementation and impact

- Poverty and inequality

- Climate change and environmental degradation

- Prosperity, peace and justice

- Modernity, globalization and identity

- Politics, hegemony and citizenship

- Culture, heritage and tourism

- Religion and religiosity in Southeast Asia

- Language and linguistics in Southeast Asia

- Education, language, Southeast Asian literature

- ASEAN, commonality and shared sustainable development and values

- any other issues related to Southeast Asian Studies



Submission of abstracts – before 1st September 2019. 

Notice of acceptance – 15th September 2019. 

Online registration (with payment) – before 20 September
Full papers for publication in ICONSEA CD Proceedings (without ISBN)  – before 31st October 2019. 

Paper Presentation: 2nd & 3rd December 2019

Fieldtrip: 4th December 2019



RM550 (Presenters)

RM300 (Students/participants)

Please make payment through conference website at - https://umconference.um.edu.my/ICONSEA2019




Abstract submission

Abstracts of papers with keywords should not be more than 300 words in English with five keywords.

Please send paper/panel proposals as a Microsoft Word document, including a title, abstract, author’s name(s), institutional affiliations, to iconsea@um.edu.my.’

All abstracts should be included 100 words of short bio. Abstracts should be submitted to iconsea@um.edu.my no later than 1st September 2019.


We also invite proposals for panel presentation, round table discussion and poster presentation.

Those who are interested to organize a panel discussion, panel proposals need to be submitted including; a title and abstract (describing the scope and unifying issues that span the individual papers) for the panel, along with the names and institutional affiliations of the panel organizer(s), as well as titles, abstracts, names, and affiliations for each individual paper on the panel.


Please include all of this information in a single Word document.


Paper Submission

 -       All paper submission should include tittle of the paper, name of the author(s), affiliation (complete: department/Faculty/Organisation), email address and contact number.

-       Paper should include:

-       introduction,

-       problem statement,

-       research questions,

-       objectives,

-       literature review (and theoretical framework if applicable),

-       methodologi,

-       Result (analysis, findings, discussion),

-       conclusion,

-       acknowledgment,

-       references (APA style)

-       appendices


All paper submission should in A4 paper size, times new roman size 12 (for the text), font size 10 for tables and figures. All citation should be cited in the text. Please avoid using footnotes and endnotes.


All submission should be in single wordfile.




ICONSEA 2019 plan for the publication of the submitted papers as follows:


1.         Conference proceedings (The Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA2019)

The publication is in the form of softcopy publication, i.e. CD publication (for sharing with the conference participants).


2.         Post-conference publication;

i.    Special Issue on “Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia”. Selected papers will be reviewed by “double-blind review process”, and it will be published in Special Issue 2020, JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (WoS-ESCI index).  All accepted papers need to pay for the professional editing fee (approximately: RM600.00 per paper)

ii.   Journal article-few selected papers will be reviewed by JATI and will be published in the regular issue of 2020 (June and December). Accepted papers need to pay for the professional editing fee (approximately: RM600.00 per paper).

iii.  Book Publication – selected papers on specific theme(s) will be considered for book publication of 2020 and 2021.

Presenters who wish their paper to be considered for publication in the series as mentioned above, please email to the conference organizers at iconsea@um.edu.my



For further information, please contact:


International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2019)

Department of Southeast Asian Studies

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

University of Malaya

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Email: iconsea@um.edu.my

Tel: 603-79675668

Fax: 603-79675461